The Misaki Marine Biological Station conducts educational activities for students and the general public, taking advantage of the environment of nearby seashores and tidal flats and state-of-the-art research equipment. As for undergraduate and graduate educational activities, the laboratory serves as a Cooperating Chair I for the Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo, where it conducts practical training for the relevant departments and graduate students and provides guidance for graduate students. In addition, we hold open field training sessions (course name: MMBS Open Practical Course) twice a year, in which students and graduate students from other universities participate in practical training using marine organisms. In addition, more than 10 national, public, and private universities from around the country use our laboratory to conduct seaside training. As for educational activities for the public, we concluded a cooperation agreement with Miura City in March 2012 and conduct activities to promote marine education in elementary and junior high schools in the city and open our marine education exhibition room to the public. In addition, as part of the Sagami Bay Biological Network (SB Net) project, nature observation events were held several times a year (nature observation events are currently held as a project of the experimental station). The laboratory also accepts the Science Partnership Program (SPP) project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and holds specialized practical training sessions for students and teachers of junior high and high schools.

For more information on educational activities sponsored by the laboratory, please see below.
- Practical training for undergraduate and graduate students
(1)Marine Biology Course, Department of Biological Sciences
(2)Open Course :Special Marine Biology Course - Nature observation events
- “Sea Showcase”a museum for marine education
- Marine education photo contest(jointly with the Miura City Board of Education)
For more information on teaching materials prepared by our laboratory, please see below.