The Misaki Marine Biological Station (MMBS) is located in Aburatsubo, Miura Peninsula, about two hours from the Hongoh Campus of the University of Tokyo. MMBS was established in 1886 and celebrated its 130th anniversary in 2016. During this time, the station has served as a center for research and education in zoology and marine life sciences in Japan, and continues to take advantage of its location to conduct a wide range of research activities, primarily on marine invertebrates, including developmental biology, cell biology, molecular biology, systematics, and evolutionary development. The research of each of the four faculty members currently in the department is diverse and includes ecological developmental biology, evolutionary developmental biology, genome biology, reproductive mechanisms, molecular mechanisms of fertilization, morphological evolution, and phylogenetic taxonomy. For more detailed information on the research of each faculty member, please click
The station is engaged in the following activities.